Reponses to the Congressional Questionnaire

Day 431, 13:36 Published in USA USA by HeadmistressTalia

As some of you may know, I am once again running to represent the great state of Montana in Congress this month. Below are my answers to the Congressional Questionnaire. I hope this helps your decision easier this election.

1) Hot topic: We faced defeats in France. PEACE has shown itself to be a strong and effective adversary. Some have made calls for our withdrawal from ATLANTIS or a restructuring of our allies. Would you maintain the status quo, have us rethink our allies, or prefer a stint of isolationism? Do you think a bipolar alliance structure is inevitable?

I don't think isolationism is a good thing - staying out of world events merely lets them build to a crescendo before they crash down on us. By staying involved in world events we have a chance to deal with problems overseas BEFORE they get big enough to come after as. Whether it is Atlantis or something else, I'm not sure. Atlantis seems fairly ineffective, so perhaps a new approach needs to be made.

2) Wildcar😛 Do you think eRep is a game or a simulation? In your view has the eUS become too serious?

Game, without a doubt. This on vaguely simulates reality, it's much better to assume this is a game. Besides, I want to have fun - and that's what games are for, right?

Some people are too serious. Some are not serious enough. But all in all I think it balances out to a good time being had by all.

3) Economic: Economic issues are always a hot topic and the economy is one of the few places where congress has a large legislative authority. What is your assessment of our current economic situation? What changes (if any) would you seek to enact to improve it?

I think we spend WAAAY too much time trying to tinker with the economy - it takes time to see results, but our constant changes makes it impossible to see how the market resolves itself. SO here's a weird idea - wait. Give the economy a time to reestablish equilibrium. Once that happens we can determine if anything needs changing.

4) General Policy: Briefly summarize your beliefs. Do they coincide with Libertarian ideals?

Get out of my way and I'll get out of yours. I believe most human beings are capable of governing themselves and behaving responsibly. There are some who can't which is why we need a small, limited government. Government should ONLY handle that which we can't do individually - protect out borders and maintain equilibrium to the states.

Keep taxes small and use them to fund hospital and defense systems. DON'T use taxes to implement policy - again, stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours.

5) General Qualifications: Are you currently signed up on the US forums, and can you devote about an hour a day to policy discussion? Do you use the US IRC channel?

I'm on the forums and I participate where I think appropriate. Most of the postings tend to be stupid, so I ignore them. I am occasionally on IRC - mostly for NAU classes or Quartermasters work. I don't particularly like IRC since it doesn't give you an opportunity to THINK before you respond. Posting on the forums lets you put out a reasoned response once you've had a chance to consider it.

I want to take this time to make two promises.

1.) If elected I will report back to you how I've voted and why.

2.) If elected I won't decide to quit in the middle of my commitments.