Remon777 for congress

Day 701, 11:12 Published in South Africa Sweden by SoloPlayer777

The IA has voted, and I am one of the candidates to run for congress!

Firstly, I want to say thank you to every person in the IA that has placed their trust in me, and voted! It is a privilege to work among such great people! And people that are advanced in the game! I hope I can make our party proud!

So who is Remon777?

I was born on Day 521 in Mpumalanga, South Africa. From day 2, Ines Schumacher was appointed as my mentor, and I learned all that I could from her. When I wanted to start to embark in politics, our beloved country was over run by 2 giants (eBrazil and eIndos).

I then became an exile in the eUK, and joined the ranks of the Royal Navy (Mobile fighting army).

When negotiations were being done with eBrazil, I moved to Gauteng. And joined the South Africans in Brazil party. After being blinded by a certain person, I helped to stop them to make a bad name for eSA (I am so GLAD!!!).

Business wise: I owned 3 companies, of which i had to sell all. 2 of them were occupied by other countries, and the other one was bad timing. So I understand the businessman's mind and worries.

Currently, I am the ambassador to eSpain and the United eNetherlands; ex-SAAF Shock Trooper; eSA Cricket captain (we will be playing games again soon!); and a RL South African! So I see myself as a patriot to this country!

So why were you so quiet?:

I first wanted to understand the game mechanics, before jumping right into politics. When my time was right, we were over run. When we started to rebuild the nation, I then wanted to see how things in eSA would pan out politically before diving right in again. Now it is settling, and I believe it is a great time to start!

What do I stand for?:

I see myself as a person with 3 primary values: Valour, Integrity, Honour.

Basically, I see myself as a person you can trust! 🙂 All those that know me, will attest to this.

What will I do as congresman?:

1) Gold Pledge
2) Military
3) Other

Firstly, I pledge now publicly, that I will donate the 5g received from the medal to the South African Reserve Bank. This, I believe, is every congressman and -woman's responsibility. We are not elected to make money, we are elected to work, and work hard! Why do we work? To make a better future for all South Africans!

Secondly, I personally feel that our military needs some extra attention (this is not an attack on the people in charge, you have done a great job! xD). Basically, I feel that the Shock troopers needs to be mobilized at least once a week. And part of that, the military needs more government funding, now that all debts has been paid. If this is not possible, I would like to be part of the brainstorm team to find a solution.

Thirdly, any other topic that might arise from the citizens of South Africa that needs immediate attention, I will give my all to make that topic clear and understandable to the rest of congress.

Lastly, I will always vote on what was agreed upon! And do what the president asks me to do.

Thank you for the time you gave to read this. I hope to see you soon at the voting bills!