Remember the Good Times.

Day 509, 06:58 Published in Australia Australia by scotywest

I remember the first month, when Australia was a country once again.

When the Great zaney was Prime Minister and we all waited for the minimum wage to drop below 5aud, these times I remember well. These times were when Australia worked together, helped each other out, and were actually nice.

But this time was a bad time for myself, with the banning of my account Scott Mitchell, I pleaded to the Admins for about 3 weeks but with no luck. So i decided i should just settle in Australia with a newbie account.

From that time I have made many great friends, people who make me happy when i am down from real life matters. These people keep me in this game, and if it wasn't for them i would of packed my back and left 4months ago.
Australia is full of great people, smart and very friendly. I want Australia to always stay like this and not get too carried away.

Last month had to one of the best months, i had been asked by one of my best Erepublik friend to become his deputy in the cabinet. This was a great honour to me and this is something i will never ever forget, for the rest of me eLife.

During the end of last month I started to get a feeling Australia was falling apart, with fighting in the media and other bullshoot like that. This made me pretty angry and I really did feel like walking away, but I couldn't do that to Australia. Not after all that has happened, not after I finally made a carrier for myself.
Today is Easter, which is meant to be a time of happiness, of celebration and most of all a time of bringing friends together. Why do us Australia's have to fight on a day like this?
I am not blaming anyone I just want this to stop, stop before anyone gets hurt. If Australia keeps this up I know people will start leaving my friends, our friends will walk out on Australia.
Just last night I had to talk one of my best friends into not quitting this game, i do not know if it worked but for the love of god please help me. Please help fix Australia.

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