Rejected Proposal - The First of Many?

Day 499, 08:35 Published in China China by Zhou San

Not too long ago, congressmen from the Freedome Party have rejected Richie450's proposal to start moving some of our treasury. Richie proposed to move our most valuable foreign cash reserves to the Central Bank of China, to be followed by the lesser amounts, so it can be converted to gold and used, rather than continue to collect dust.

CCTV, feels this is a short-sided move that only further cements Freedome's public image as a takeover party.

When asked about this, Freedome's leader who just recently moved to eChina after being hounded about being a foreigner said "iran send 60 gold for eChina yesterday !! and dont Need a money of e china"

We translate this to mean: "We gave your backwards country 60 gold so shut up and don't move our money until I am elected president".

This money does not belong to any man, woman, party or organization in eChina. It belongs in the treasury or the Central Bank of China. Where it does not belong is the Iranian Centeral (sic) Bank as they already have enough gold and CNY for some reason.

This newspaper advocates that the opposition parties confront this matter and start another proposal to move the currency or the gold. President Logomaster has deals to get a Q5 AND a Q4 hospital for eChina, but the Q4 is not free, and the Q5 is an uphill congressional battle to say the least. eChina needs to move this money and get the gold needed to secure those hospitals.

With hospitals comes development. With development comes more citizens, businesses and power for our China! If Freedome wants to block this proposal again, I ask everyone to remember this come election day and defeat them, as another blocking of this proposal is a block against a strong eChina!

Go eChina!! e中国加油!!

Iranian Centeral Bank See it for yourself! This is where our money will go if we are not careful! And our country will follow!