Registration of interests

Day 478, 06:19 Published in Czech Republic Egypt by Franz Kafka


A recent proposal to Congress has reminded me of the need for transparency from our public politicans. I would therefore like to propose that we create a register of interests that congressmen/women enter in all their political and business affiliations.

In that way, our public can have confidence that we do not have any hidden agendas in supporting/rejecting polices and legislation.

There is no way yet to make this mandatory, but I would encourage party presidents to make a public declaration of interests mandatory before accepting candidates to congress.

I will start this process by voluntarily listing my interests here:

Name: Franz Kafka
Organisations (if any): Libertas Foundation
Employer (if any): The Saint
Companies (if any): eIsrael Gifts Co-operative; eIsrael Grain Co-operative
Political affiliations: Nezavislost (Party President)

Congressmen - feel free to list your interests in the comments below!

Franz Kafka