Regime; also, the Primary

Day 829, 13:47 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Lynari

We could have done better in this election. We had the votes to win more seats, but they were wasted on secure candidates. I had no idea I would garner such a quantity. I hadn’t arranged to receive any, in fact. Truly, I was fearful that I would have to endure the embarrassment of not winning a seat at all. We did not win any fewer seats than I expected us to, but I am still disappointed with my performance. I will either not run for Party President in March, or, if I do, I will appoint another person to be my Congressional organizer. Also, I intend to not run in Romandie next month. That is if I do run.

We must continue our efforts to dislodge this regime. We need a higher population of people loyal to a free Switzerland. We can use the seats we do have in Congress to approve incoming citizens; what we need now are incoming citizens. It is for this reason that I propose, and will help organize, a funded effort to draw individuals to this nation. The Swiss Resistance needs a Minister of Immigration.

I have told you that vitality is what we need to defeat the Shaolin. This is still true; and yet, I feel that this very attribute is waning in me. Discouragement encroaches.

The Primary

Now that we have passed the Congressional election, I will share my feelings on the Presidential. I pledged to follow along with the decision of the Primary. I know the importance of democracy, and we needed to improvise because the Shaolin wouldn’t let us have it. And Penguin won. Then, it was decided among individuals that our candidate was JNArno.

I ask this not to challenge the legitimacy of JNArno’s candidacy (it logically follows that he would be our candidate after Penguin’s rejection, because he received the second highest number of votes) but because there will likely be a Primary in the future, this raises the question, and it is only fair to know: when we vote in a Primary, is it for the candidate, or for the person in whom we vest the power to choose?
