Regarding Plato

Day 470, 11:46 Published in USA USA by Clayton H

Well, I would just like to commend the eRepublik staff on the debut of the Plato module, as well as the new home design. This new formatting of the site is very helpful, especially to the younger players, as it gives new information about all the different parts of eRepublik, and provides walk-throughs.

I especially approve of the fact that tips on what the player should do are placed up in the corner, instead of just on the home page. Thanks to this, you can now access these tips from anywhere in the game instead of having to go back home each time. What a time saver. Not to mention you can minimize them and not have it clutter up your home page with the same crap everyday that you don't need to see.

Also, the incorporation of latest events is a huge asset, I believe. With this, we can now just go home and see whats going on in the military sphere with just a quick glance. This is definitely a time saver as well, and it promotes the general knowledge of all the players, both at home and internationally. Finally, we can have a very swift update to the global status without leaving the actual eRepublik site.

Therefore, the homepage is now much more useful than ever before. It now includes events and newspaper articles, which keeps one informed on the game, minimizing the useless reminders to the corner of the screen. The top of the page is also cleaner looking, as it consolidates the searchbar, date/time, etc. into one spot that is just more pleasing. Plato's quotes might benefit from some reworking, some people may say, but I'm fine with it.

Thank you for Plato, even if he's not very useful for veteran or experienced players. It promotes better gameplay for all, by allowing new players to more easily gain a grasp on the game. And the new homepage with events is very useful. Good work!