Regarding issues in #tc

Day 1,406, 12:43 Published in USA USA by Morrigan Alexandros

It has come to my attention that some people have taken to harassing members of the Training Corps, spamming #tc, giving orders in #tc, and speaking in a manner that is unacceptable in #tc (rea😛 language).

Now, these are not high up officers, nor members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, no. I am referring to the hard working Junior Officers and troops of the Training Corps. Members of the Training Corps have also been banned from rooms such as #bootcamp simply because they belong to TC and the order for such bans came from Alexander Auctoritas and Vanek. Really? How does this help anything? You are banning people simply because they belong to a group different than your own? I thought this administration was about bridging the gap and treating each other with respect. I seem to have been mistaken.

Let’s review the Rules of #tc. These rules are over a year old, so it is nothing new.
1. No politics
2. No foul language
3. No orders

These rules are always enforced. The politics one has been a bit lax lately but #2 and #3 have not. With that in mind, let me address a few things:

[23:18]ArmandezI always knew the TC was crazy but I didn't realize you guys were so crazy you ban people for being annoying or for supposedly giving orders.

Armadez, let’s review what happened prior to the ban:

AA, was auto-kicked once for flooding and then auto-kicked again for language. He was then temp-banned by a TC officer for continuing the language, giving out orders (read #3). Them temp bans lasts like an hour. So, no need to exaggerate Armandez or call TC members crazy.

This childish behavior is unacceptable. We hold ourselves to a higher standard of civility. I expect you to do the same. At at least basic civility. I have always prided myself on being a very open minded player. I give people the benefit of the doubt, I listen and I do not issue unfair bans. TC has always treated everyone with respect. We have a proud tradition of forming great players. We are proud of this. To alienate us simply because we belong to a different group is simply counterproductive.

#tc is, and always will be, open to all. We do not discriminate between groups, political party or anything else. We even accept pie-lovers and...that’s a tough one to get past.

I guess this behavior comes from cake-withdrawal.

General Morrigan Alexandros
CO of the Training Corps
eUS Military