Recent Updates

Day 493, 17:05 Published in Greece Greece by Che Greco

Now that the congressional elections are over, we've begun working on ways to improve the economic conditions in eGreece, a task that's not as easy as might first seem. In the forum ( debates have begun on various issues including minimum wage decrease, citizen fee decrease and the creation of ministry of health, to provide socialised health services. Since unemployment is not an issue for us in eGreece but inflation is, I find it important that we begin to cut down on unnecessary government costs.

Hellenic Revenge posted a great article justifying the lowering of the minimum wage (read here:

The citizen fee is currently really high at 35 GRD. I've proposed to lower it to 10 GRD ideally. This will allow new citizens to purchase enough food for 3 days plus earn their daily wage. Also, there is a high rate of citizens becoming inactive after a week or so, making the 35GRD into a waste of money. It's also important to note that lower minimum wage and citizen fees mean less GRD flowing into the market, thus potentially increasing our currency's value in the long run.

Finally, the creation of a socialised health services has been an idea many citizens are interested in. It is important to know that the decrease of the citizen fee can help with this. Of course, it is important that companies contribue to the health of their citizens, since this also profits their companies.

In conclusion, I find that the forum we use is very useful. It not only allows for proper debate of issues but there are also product offers through the forum that you might not be able to find on the market.

Also, for congressmen who haven't joined the forum, I didn't care to be active through the forum before I won the elections but with the new responsibilities its very beneficial to join, since there is a special section just for congressmen to debate issues.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote-subscribe.

iHasta Luego!