Recent Events :)

Day 982, 03:00 Published in India India by Enigma1990
Karnataka was conquered by Resistance force of India in the war versus USA
Karnataka and Andhra pradesh were finally liberated by US forces who started the resistance war for Karnataka which ended on ended on 28 July 2010 18:03.


Salaries have been very low since V2 beginning and has not risen since.

Market watch
Food Costs 0.40 INR to 18 INR
Weapon Costs
Rifle - 1 INR to 4 INR
Tank - 32 INR to 400+ INR
Artillery - 21 INR to 30+ INR
Air Unit - 22 INR to 400+ INR
Moving Tickets - 10 INR to 80+ INR
Houses - 80 INR to 400+ INR

Forum Changes
The forum theme has been changed to a new one (Black). That theme certainly looks bad to me 🙁

- Swadhin