Recent Changes in the UNL

Day 747, 01:29 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard
Presidental Elections in BE & eUNL

Not much to be said here. In the United Netherlands ThomasRed of the Belgian Party was elected as president, while in Belgium the relatively low-profile The Group member Grinch85 won without any real campaigning.

Possible UK-UNL Merger

It began with this article by Trinc, in which it was first announced that the governments of the United Kingdom and the United Netherlands had been considering a merger for a while now; re-elected British president Mr Woldy even included the point in his election campaign. Since up until a few days ago this had been a government-internal topic, the revelation sparked a vital discussion all throughout the UNL.

Supporters of the merge mourn the limited activity of the United Netherlands, the crippling weakness of the guilder (although the wages in gold are nonetheless as high as in the UK due to double the pay in the national currency), the inability to recover Belgium, along with other points. In retaliation, those opposing the union cite the UNL's strong sense of national unity (which is indeed present), fear that the 7:1 ratio of British to UNL citizens would make them a minority without any political say, that the merger would prevent any future baby booms, make the new union even more vulnerable to resistance wars by hostile forces and that the UNL's respected linguistic diversity would suffer, again amongst other points.
No final decision has been met yet, but in my possibly flawed observations the public opinion seems to rather sway towards a unification of the two nations, if yet by just a narrow margin. The UNL's Ministry of Foreign Affairs already announced its plans to hold a referendum on the matter to settle the affair in due time.

PHOENIX and Another New Alliance

The United Netherlands have become a founding nation of the PEACE successor PHOENIX, as can be read here. The congress had not been informed by this move, as everything had been planned and organised by the inner circle of the government. However, there is almost no opposition to this act within the Dutch and Belgian populations, so it is expected that nothing will get in the way of a smooth integration.
Earlier rumoured plans to form a European alliance have not been abandoned yet however, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed. It will most likely become a sub-alliance within PHOENIX though." alt="middelburg er.png" />