Recapturing the Glory, Recapturing the Gold

Day 1,006, 15:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by SAGP Communications Department

The South African Military Capitalist Party has moved on

The South African Gold Party is reborn

After a lot of thought and speaking with some old timers. I have taken the step of renaming our party in order to return to its historical roots. I have changed our logo to reflect our goal towards free democracy in eSouth Africa as we build financial strength.

I know that the name does not make the party, but I believe that with this move we can begin to take the steps to return to the standards that made this party great.

After this election and the Security Ministries actions to stop the PTOer's.I would ask those that are still active in other parties to take a long look at return to our common beginning and finding a way to rebuild the Gold and rebuild South Africa.