Rebuilding Denmark.

Day 1,264, 10:35 Published in Denmark Denmark by alfred temple

My concerns about a new Denmark:

1) I am concerned how out of the people whom seem interested the most in Denmark, or those whom commented on my article, that only WisconsinMan is located in Denmark and has Danish citizenship. The rest of you folks seem to all be out of the country and without citizenship.

2) Most people interested in Denmark seem to all have connections to Indonesia which concerns me. I think that for one to become an eDane they must have allegiance to Denmark alone as opposed to other countries. I have no clue as to weather this tight knit group from Indonesia is a PTO but if it is it will be defeated.

3) Currently there are no political parties in Denmark and as a result of this no Government. I would kindly ask then that anyone who is in the capacity to buy/form a political party to do so.

4) None of the old eDanes have returned to this new Denmark. This saddens me, for with out them to rebuild Denmark a whole new generation of players will be wholly ignorant to the way of life of the old danes.

- Alfred Temple