Really... Canada?

Day 1,336, 12:32 Published in Canada Canada by Killswitch

Hello eCanada,

We're at war. The Polish are tyrants of death and will stop at nothing to win battles. They are fierce, strong, and evil. Many more epic battles must take place before we rid our glorious land from them, and that we accept as we continue to push on towards victory.

On the other hand, these f**k's decided to mess with us too.

Poland, acceptable I guess. But Britain, really Canada? We need to send these limey b**tards back to where they belong. I encourage all of you to join a MU and fight as often as you can. Prime Minister Sperry's articles always have a list at the bottom of them of all the different MU's available for eCanadians to join, so please make use of this and enlist. Another thing that will help win against these silly-nannies is staying alert and informed, so please subscribe to the eCBC newspaper, where all official battle orders are posted and updated daily.

"Britain sucks"

So once again, keep fighting eCanada, and remember:

Canada Prevails

