Real stats for Top Military Units

Day 1,351, 13:10 Published in USA Chile by Mysterious.Mind

As you all know a few days ago admins Plato changed the ranking system. Besides some obvious flaws it has there is one interesting statistic now, and that is Military Units ranking. Top 5 Military Units ranking to be more precise. While this is an interesting statistic to have it would be better if it would actually reflect the truth, but as this article will show, counting the kills a MU has is not the most accurate indicator of its real strength.

Either way, the eR presented Military Units ranking looks like this:

This is the ranking presented to us. Based on this I have gathered information regarding influence in the last week and last month about the above 5 Military Units, but only regarding the members that are part of the MU ingame. Whie I assume that all 5 have at least a few more members that are not members of the MU ingame, the purpose of the article is not affected, as it aims to provide REAL stats and rankings for this ingame feature.

Now lets see the stats shall we?

Also, if you can take your eyes off the lady above I would like to mentio that the eUS Training Corps, as the name suggests, serves a different purpose than the other 4 Military Units in this ranking. While these 4 are considered heavy hitters, the Training Corps serves as a starting point for newbs and helps them understand the game and particularly the military aspects of it.

The first thing we should start off with is the number of members each unit has, as it will clear some stuff up for later.

As a note SF=The Special Forces, SEAL= SEAL Team 6, UM=Ultramarines, USMC=US Marine Corps and USTC=eUS Training Corps. I did this in order to make the charts a little smaller.

As we can see 4 out of the 5 MUs are at almost maximum capacity. The only one that has a lower amount of members is the US Marine Corps. Keep this in mind when looking at the next charts.

Total Influence in the last week. This should be interesting.

Distribution of damage with the 5 units.

Here we have our first surprise. The US Marines surpass the Ultramarines in terms of total damage over the last week. When you factor in that The US Marines also have less members it helps you get a glimpse of other statistics.

After seeing the total influence in the last week we should check out the Total Influence in the last Month.

Distribution of damage last month

The percentages stay almost the same as in the chart of the last week, with an increase in Marines and Ultramarines and a slight drop in the rest. Again we notice the Marines put out more damage than the Ultramarines.

Ok, enough with the damage, lets look at efficiency.
This is how the chart looks for the Average influence per day per member of the MU:

Oh the humanity! To be honest, the word efficiency brings me back to the old Congress vs Military debate and how Congress always called the military inefficient. Well there you go guys, found the way to make the Marines,which recieve NO funds, deal more damage than the Ultramarines,members of the Armed forces who recieve quite a lot of cash, and SEAL Team 6, militia who also recieves some funding.

What can be better than damage that you do not pay for? Efficiency you say? Considering the Marines get no funding and are only 50k behind the Special Forces, I would disregard the chart above and call the US Marines the most effective military unit of the 5.

Lets also have a look at the Average Damage per member per day in the last month, though I have a feelings things are gonna be similar to those above.

Again the Marines are up there right next to the Special Forces, while the rest are somewhat behind. This again goes to show that the eR stats presented in the Top 5 Rankings where MUs are ranked by the number of kills is anything but an accurate indicator of their Damage Output.

Conclusions we can draw from the article:
1. The eR stats are flawed in ways I can not even begin to describe. Any of the rankings presented above would have been far more accurate in depicting how "good" a MU is, even the "Number of members" one.

2. I have to give credit where credit is due, The Special Forces is the biggest damage dealer in the country at the moment. Congrats guys.

3. The US Marines proved once again they are an elite fighting force. Honestly, whoever is incapable of acknowledging that both the damage output and the efficiency at which we operate is truly amazing, considering we get no funding, has nothing but hate in him and I kind of feel sorry for him. Yes I am talking about you pfeiffer...

4. Keep the legend going, enlist in the US Marines
Requirements: 4000 strength, rank of General, 940 minimum influence per fight with no weapon

And now this sexy girl thanks you for reading the article: