Real Leadership - Canada First

Day 1,712, 07:48 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

Some mood music

It’s time for a change.

A refocusing.

A recommitment.

Canada needs a President ready and willing to commit to a standard of leadership that inspires confidence in the Canadian government, both among Canadians and elsewhere.

Canada needs a President ready and willing to build the community, to put in the hours necessary to engage Canadians, to rebuild the government and our institutions.

Canada needs a President who can act decisively in the greater interests of our team, to guarantee equality of opportunity for every Canadian, and fairness, transparency, and accountability in all decisions of government.

I believe I am that President, and I am here announcing my candidacy for the Presidency of Canada on August 5.

For those of you who know my record, I stand by it and will let it speak for itself. For those of you who don’t, I am a player who greatly believes in the capacity of the Canadian Team. I stand against individualism; I make decisions that advance the interests of the country in general, because I believe that only together as a community we make this game interesting. I believe that a strong government prevents the accumulation of power by strong individuals, and I believe that regular turnover of old guards prevent corruption and decadence.
In short I believe in a social democratic government run in the interests of the Team.

As President I will work to reform our government, to give it depth and heft beyond being a clearinghouse for MU money distribution.

As President I will work to revive the government’s reputation at home and aboard and to strengthen our allies and our alliances.

As President I will strongly support equitable and fair military funding based off the principles of supporting increased activity and providing for rapid military support for Canadian military objectives. I will also strongly support programs like Food Drops to newer citizens, and a revived Ambassador corps.

I’m asking for your support to put ourselves back on the right track. To open the doors of our Team and create a place where expats and new citizens feel welcome and at home. To revive a nation that has great opportunities for business owners, tanks, and clickers alike. Together, we can again achieve something to be proud of.

On August 5, join me to give our Team real leadership, that puts Canada first.

John "Jacobi" Carpenter

Link to Cabinet Applications