Ready and willing.

Day 1,584, 05:11 Published in Russia Bulgaria by Tar Palantir

“I do not love the bright sword for it's sharpness, nor the arrow for it's swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend”

The old man laid the sword along his lap, and Pippin put his hand to the hilt, and said slowly after Denethor:
‘Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor, and to the Lord and Steward of the realm, to speak and to be silent, to do and to let be, to come and to go, in need or plenty, in peace or war, in living or dying, from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death take me, or the world end. So say I, Peregrin son of Paladin of the Shire of the Halflings.’
And this do I hear, Denethor son of Ecthelion, Lord of Gondor, Steward of the High King, and I will not forget it, nor fail to reward that which is given: fealty with love, valour with honour, oath-breaking with vengeance.’

Now WHAT DONE IS DONE AND all we can see that the twisted Alliance is no more and all those false "brothers" shall feel our WRATH /chopped guns and greeks will be first as it seems.../.

I will be very very laconian:

Dear Turkey,

The Winter is coming!