Re-elect Jasper Ferguson in Kentucky!

Day 576, 08:17 Published in USA Australia by Jasper Ferguson

I'd like to start by saying thank you to everyone who voted for me last month and ask for your support once again on June 25th.

Current Duties

I am currently the Congressman from Kentucky in the 18th Congress. To say that this has been an interesting time to be in Congress would be a vast understatement. This term, I was an active voice in moving Congress members from the inactive Infrastructure Committee to the newly formed Foreign Relations Advisory Committee.

As a first term Congressman, it was an honor to be asked to serve currently as a USWP Regional PAC Director for the Midwest. As such, I'm working with the other PAC directors to ensure that the USWP puts forth the highest quality candidates, helping them to understand the issues that are dealt with in Congress and giving them a chance to actively participate in the government.


Many politicians will promise that they'll bring a Q5 hospital to the region in an attempt to get elected. Because of the game mechanics however, it is in the best interest of the nation to have our population centered mainly in the states where we are most likely to be attacked. Therefore, placing Q5 hospitals throughout the nation would actually leave us more vulnerable in the long term by spreading out our population. Kentucky is already blessed with a Q4 hospital that the majority of states can only dream of.


The current income tax level of 20% is both reasonable and necessary in order to fund the nations defense. The majority of the eUS budget goes to fund military operations. With the restructuring of the Army that has just been finished and the formation of the Air Force, cutting taxes now would largely cripple our efforts to provide the eUS with the powerful defense force that we currently have.

On import taxes, I fought against the drastic change from 30% to 1% on resources that we have in high quantity domestically. Free trade sounds great in theory, but because of game mechanics it is not currently effective in my opinion. If the admins would create a way for a nation to set import taxes in a nation by nation basis, it would be a different story, but that is not currently how the system works. The decision to change all the import taxes at once in an experiment was poorly thought out and misguided and not one that I supported.

War Games

The continuation of War Games is a critical part of our nation's military preparedness. If anyone doubts our military abilities, they need look no further than the recent highly contested battle to liberate Greece's high iron region for proof of their true strength. With continued War Games with our allies, we will continue to foster the growth of citizens and increase our military might.


As your Congressman, I will continue to keep you informed of my voting record and my reasoning behind my votes. My voting record will always be available to you in the form of a Google document, allowing it to be updated as issues come up. I will always take the time to talk with concerned citizens about issues, willing to both listen to opposing views and explain my own thinking.


In conclusion, for all of the reasons above, I humbly ask for your vote on June 25th and the honor of serving you again as the Congressman from the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

-Proud member of the USWP

-Jasper Ferguson
Congressman, Kentucky