Re-Elect Indrae for ADTP PP

Day 1,025, 14:18 Published in USA USA by Indrae

Herro fellow ADTPers. I’d like to announce my intention to run for re-election for the Party Presidency of the ADTP. Last month I released a long and detailed platform detailing the plans I had for the party. This month, I’m going to keep it short and simple. If you’d like to read my platform from last month, it comes in two parts, Part One and Part Two.

So, to avoid turning this into a long and rambling article, I’ll get right to the details.

Where were we last month?

-Last month we were able to elect only one legitimate congressman. This was due to a number of reasons (disorganized election strategy, lack of mobile voters, etc.).
-No solid organization/structure other than the Executive Committee. A party needs some sense of order if it is going to do well. Not having a good idea of who does what, who answers to whom, and a lack of official party jobs (Finance Director, Recruitment Director, etc.) won’t get a party very far.

Where are we now?

-This month we got 5 congressmen elected (one has resigned since the elections). While it may not sound like a spectacular number, it is a step in the right direction. Our relative success this month was in large part thanks to the work of our EC Chairman lietk12, and the work of Dennis McVicker.
-We now have a detailed party structure. I have outlined the general structure of the party, along with job descriptions, to make things work more efficiently in the long run. While we may not have all the positions filled that we would like to have filled, we now have something solid to work with in the future.

Where should we go from here?
I’m going to use this section to let you know my goals for the party if I am re-elected.

-Shifting our focus towards recruitment and education. We need to attract new members and teach them how to play the game if we are going to have great, intelligent leaders down the road. I would like to see the expansion and development of our mentor program. The mentor program will be able to teach new players how to be successful in the game, and will be a way for players to get involved in party affairs.
-Next month I would like to provide more opportunities for ADTPers to get involved in their party. I plan on giving party jobs to newer faces, hopefully encouraging them to become active.
-There are many other things that I would like to do, but the two things mentioned about will be my primary focus in the month ahead if re-elected.

Thank you for your time,
Indrae, ADTP Party President