Re-Elect Artorius Perim for British Columbia Congress!

Day 671, 18:23 Published in Canada Canada by ArtyP

Hello there my fellow eCanadians. Let me tell you a bit about my self. I am an active user on eCanada forums as well as DAL forums. I started nearly 2 Month ago, and at that time, life for new eCitizens was tough, and eCanada was just starting to see the full-on invasion of eCanada.

I am here to represent the future of eCanada. And by future, I mean the new players being recruited. These are hard times, hard times equal to low wages and expensive food. eCanada has just risen from the ashes, and ready to take back our land. But as a new player, life is difficult. Food is too expensive, Many new players can't live with $1.50 for even week. (I know I just barely missed bieng completely broke my first week, I have Booleus to thank for helping me get started 😃) Their aren't many Skill 0 jobs out there for new players, it takes too much patience for new players gain stable ground and advance in their career. When it takes too much patience, many new players quit after a few days or even in a week. We can't keep letting this happen.

When I first started out, there weren't any Skill 0 jobs, it took nearly a full day before one popped up. I am here to represent the future of eCanada and young voters. Those new voters need to be informed, as well as new players. Along side with my fellow eCanadians we can inform our new players and help them. The future of eCanada doesn't only rest in our hands, but in the hands of our new players. $1.50 isn't enough, and the jobs aren't enough. But with our growing country getting our regions back, we can make the wage enough and enough jobs. Recruiting is alot of work, but with all this work is putting into recruiting, we can rebuild eCanada.

Another thing I want to do in Congress is to also organize the military groups we have. We currently aren't as organized as we should be, we are low on funds and we need more recruitment. I will change all that. A lot of effort from me will go on to organize the military better, more communication from the government and better funds! Better communication and organization = more effect to damage and defense!

Recently, I have been appointed the Minister of Health, with that I will have successfully created eCanada's first Meals On Wheels Canada program. This program will go live over the next week, and it will cater to not only to new players but those out on vacation. This program will give free food to new players through a working system, and help them advance in the New World! More detals are to be followed.

Not only am I here to represent the future of eCanada, I am here to represent voice of eCanada. Many secret votes and discussion has been going on with congress, things that should be shared with the public. I am here to make sure the citizens of eCanada are heard, and you're needs are granted. Many operations are going on, not only recruiting but taking down PEACE. I am part of many but not all. These operations are getting in the way of the life of eCitizens and putting them as second priority. If we can help our citizens grow into informed strong players, we can have our eCanada back. The congressional elections rests in your hands, make the right vote and vote for Artorius Perim!

RE-ELECT Artorius Perim for British Columbia Congressional Elections!
eCanada will be VICTORIUS with ARTORIUS!

Artorius Perim,
Minister of Health
Congressmember of eCanada

Credit goes to Karsten Skeries for my campaign banner.