Rawbuildings: Economical aspects

Day 1,570, 14:45 Published in Switzerland Germany by Hot Fever

Hello guys, I like to talk to you about Rawbuildings. Economical some are interesting, but most are not. First of all, we have to understand of costs. You can sell raws for 0.33 CHF at each time, sell is guaranteed by bot, more about the bot I'll explain next time, and we're paying 3.75 CHF a Q5-Food for recovering health for working. It's unimportant if we choose Food or Weapon Rawbuilding, both costs the same and both you cann sell for the same.

One of the most important things you have to ask yourself by deciding which is the most economical building, is the question of amortization time. Amortization time express the time the company need to gain the costs of the building. You just make win after amortization time passes.

Let's look at the Iron Mine it costs 1500 CHF and produces 35 WRM (Weapon RawMaterial). We sell those 35 WRM and get 11.55 CHF for them, but we have to pay 3.75 CHF for food, so we gain 7.80 CHF a day. So amortization time is 193 days, more than half a year.

Oil Rig is more interesting. It just costs 3000 CHF and produces 70 WRM. Selling them makes 23.10 CHF, so we make 19.35 CHF a day, cause we have to pay food. You're able to make win withit after 155 days, less than half a year, very economical.

Buildings payed by gold are very critical, at the moment you have to pay 1500 CHF a gold, so a Aluminium Mine costs around 15000 CHF. That's very much, a Salpeter Mine only costs 8500 and is producing more. Aluminium Mine produces 125 WRM. We can sell them for 41.25 CHF so we make 37.50 CHF a day. To get our invested money back and start making win, we have just to wait 400 days... nearly nothing....

Instead building Aluminium Mine, I'd build Salpeter Mine, it only costs 8500 CHF. It produces 175 WRM and sold this is 57.75 CHF, a win of 54.00 CHF a day. This is much, so we only need to wait 158 days, three days longer than a Oil Rig.

The most expenciv building is a Rubber Plantation. It costs 35 gold, that's around 52500 CHF. It's just producing 250 WRM. We sell them for 82.50 CHF, to make a win of 78.75 CHF a day. It's easy to expect it will be a long run to make win, bit it isn't, it's just 666 days, less than 2 years, an evil period of time...

We can see most economical are Salpeter and Oil, but what is most economical? To answer this question, we'll use math. The formular of win is:

W = (R*0.33-3,75)*D-I

D = Days owning the company
I = invested money
R = produced raws
W = win

No we set both equal

W(Salpeter) = W(Oil)

The result of this is the term

(175*0.33-3,75)*D-8500 = (70*.33-3.75)*D-3000

Now we do math

54*D-8500 = 19.35*D-3000 | +8500
54*D = 19.35*D+5500 | -19.35*D
34.65*D = 5500 | /34.65
D ≈ 159

After 159 You make faster Money with a Salpeter Mine than with a Oil Rig.
But a Oil Rig only costs 3000, so why not to buy 3 of them to be equivalent to Salpeter Mine.

We'd produce three times more raws with Oil Rig and it costs 3 times more and have to eat 3 times.. so the new formular would be

W(3*Oil) = 3*(R*0.33-4)*D-3*I

R = Rawproduction of one Oil Rig
I = Costs of one Oil Rig

Now let's form set 3 times oil and once salpeter equal again

W(Salpeter) = W(3*Oil)

Term would be

(175*0.33-4)*D-8500 = 3*(70*0.33-4)*D-3*3000
54*D-8500 = 58.05*D-9000 | +9000
54*D+500 = 58.05*D | -54*D
500 = 4.05*D | /4.05
124 ≈ D

After 124 days, in the time, none of both makes win, cause they just do after around a month later, Oil Rings makes more money. We can see, Oil Rigs are most Economic.

In the End, Oil rig ist most economic company, but Salpeter Mine also is very economic. The less economic company is obviously Rubber Plantation, to be able to build this company you have to keep sure, admins won't change economy for more than 2000 days, cause you need 2102 days to be most economic with Rubber, till that day, 3 Oil Plantations are better and if you buy for 52500 CHF 17 Oil Rigs, Rubber never could be this economic.

Thanks for Reading

Hot Fever