
Day 826, 07:35 Published in South Africa South Africa by Enbaros

Most of you will probably know me by now. So I'll keep things short.

I'll be running for congress in the Free State under the South African Gold Party


Why not? You all know that South Africa has serious problems now. Brazil, Argentina, and inside fights are making South Africa a vulnerable country.

Thus, the problems must be adressed and solved. NOW.

We need also to organise things in order to avoid having them again.

That's were I come in. I can help the country, and I have done so.

I've been congressman before, 2 times, which gives me the experience.

I'm a Lt in the eSAAF, which gives me the Experience of leading.

I've been ambassador to various countries, which gives me the contacts and relations to operate.

I have an Analytical mind, something really useful in times of emotions and hearts. It gives cold intellect when people only think in glory, even if that glory will never come. It ensures that no decisions will be made following only inestable desires of the hearth.

I have the knowledge to make things happen.

What distinguish me over other candidates?

As I said, I've a rational mind and personality, something not everybody has.

I have the experience and knowledge to actually improve things and contribute to debates in congress, rather than just si and vote there.

I know to deal with various situations that can arise while on there, something not everybody knows how to do.

I am a significant incorporation to congress, not a necessity, but an improvement.

If YOU want SOUTH AFRICA and its COMMUNITY to survive, then vote RATIONALLY, vote to the rational man, ENBAROS.

What do I stand for?


I am not a master in economy. I know the basic notions, and thus I can't help in some debates, but I am largely not very active in the economics of this game. I believe in the balance between the workers and the CEOs, not only one side. CEOs must benefice, and so do the workers. That's my point of view.


Although in the game, politics is a very dangerous thing. It can bring great things, but it can cause desunion and fights. I believe that the State is over simple party politics, and thus nobody must have better treatment just because of the party he belongs. I will put before the state of the Nation than the politics of my party, if it happens that the interests of my party go agaisnt the interests of South Africa.

External Affairs

We are now an enemy of PHOENIX. We can't change that. Even if we are pro-PHOENIX or pro-EDEN, we will always be enemies of PHOENIX now. And thus, we need to act in consecuence. It doesn't help to say to Brazil, "oh, I didn't want to attack you, please save us!" Because it's not going to happen. Therefore we need a strong policy now, and to act quickly. EDEN are our allies now, so let's make the most of them, and let's help them. They did help us with EC.

Social Affairs.

This is one of the most important topics. We need to care our newcomers, of course, but we need to care EVERYONE. Not just the newbies, or not just the experienced ones. EVERYONE. Normally Governments care for the noobs, because they are the ones in real danger, yes. But we need as well to care for you, my dear readers, even if you are level 16 or 18.

If you want to ask something, do it. If you want a Moving ticket to vote me, ask me one, I'll run in Free State. You are also welcome to read about the Gold Party here : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/lets-get-fired-up--1214168/1/20

Vote for RATIONALITY. Vote for Enbaros