Rates Drop Fast.. Day 1,606

Day 1,605, 15:15 Published in USA USA by grimreapya
Gold And Currency

As everyone knows, rates have dropped like crazy. I can't predict how long they will stay down, but right now is a great time to buy up products and re-sell them at a later date, when they will make you a good profit. It is very possible to make $.60 up to $1 per item bought, which could be a mighty good profit!! But watch for tax. One some items you may have to wait till the price drops a good bit before you can really make good money.


Food = CPU
Q1- .51 = .255
Q2- 1.00 = .25 !
Q3- 1.50 = .25 !
Q4- 2.06 = .2575
Q5- 2.54 = .254
Q6- 3.33 = .2775

Q1- 5.12 = 2.56
Q2- 10.20 = 2.55
Q3- 15.38 = 2.56
Q4- 20.57 = 2.57
Q5- 25.40 = 2.54 !
Q6- 33.00 = 2.75

For Food Q2 and Q3 are the best price and for Weapons it is Q5.

A possible reason the rates have dropped is that people just wanting to sell there products. (not looking at the markets to see the price)

The decline in what products are selling for will also effect the jobs pay out. If the low prices continue the jobs pay out could decrease. Although the prices of items dropped it could affect other stuff.

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