Rant on Communes

Day 752, 21:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John Thunscorpe

Go read my earlier article too 😃

Ok...now it's time for a little rant of mine against communes.
When I returned from Hungary to the UK, I joined the People's Commune and worked for the weapons commune there. That was my worst working experience ever in this eWorld!

Here were my main problems with working for a commune:
-Compared to a salary, the weapons I was given was no where near the amount I deserved since I made 4 a day. I only got a few a week…
-Inconsistency! Not very organized, it seemed completely random what I got and when I got it.
-I PMed the company about this and saying I wasn’t happy with the inconsitency or amount of weapons I was given. They never even bothered replying

So I left.

I’m not sure whether my hate of communes is irrational, but I feel like they are a waste of time. Working in a normal company with wages and just buying my weapons was a lot better for me financially. It is also much simpler and less of a headache working when you aren’t always wondering what’s going on with the commune and it’s stock of goods.
If you don’t agree with me on this one, don’t hate. I’m sure most people have great times in communes. I guess there just not for me.

QOT😨 How has your experiences been with working for communes?

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If you don't like this article: Read my earlier article which is less hated upon 😃