Random topic: easter

Day 1,601, 17:17 Published in USA USA by A.J. Jackson

Alright, its that special day. Church,rencharnation, and..... Easter! Now of course, rencharnation and church are both parts of Easter, but there the minor parts of Easter. The major parts of Easter are:its sunday! There's candy! And of course.... Easter bunny raps.( http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=koPsqp8Nrtg )(using iPad, had to paste.) but in my opinion, the best part of Easter is, well, talking about the Easter bunny. The've made movies about him,(*hop), the've hunted him ( I found a video to put here but it was nerdy),but the real stuff is here.

First of all, if you try to see the Easter bunny, You'll find some big old the fat guy is a red suite. That's SANTA! Also According to certain movies(😉the jelly beans in those eggs are....POOP!🙁 +,because NOBODYstill believes in the easter bunny anymore this article is usless and will end here! 🙂