Raise The Tricolour!

Day 815, 20:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Dagda

eDate: Day 815 of the New World

To the eIrish People:

My fellow eIrishmen, our time has come. The military of the eIrish Nation has laid dormant for ages, but the call has been heard. The battle for Northern Ireland is imminent. In these hours preceding the fight we dust off our weapons and prepare for war. Action shall come, and we will be given a chance to be great.

But our Nation may only be great with the compliance of the people. We alone make eIreland what she is, and if we continue to bicker and focus on what has been done, then nothing will ever get done. We all share conflicting beliefs. Some of us may fully support the decision, some may be strictly against it. But what is concrete through out our Nation is our eNationality. Regardless of your political beliefs, you are primarily eIrish.

This is a call to all of the eIrish on our fair isle, and in the New World, to UNITE! Fight strong. Fight smart. Fight with valor. Fight with courage. Fight with pride. And above all, Fight for your Nation!

If we fight as one, we will prevail. March on eIrish soldiers. March on to victory. March on to greatness.

Raise The Tricolour!