rainy responds [Important Election News]

Day 986, 14:10 Published in USA Netherlands by rainy sunday
Zombies to the left of me, vampires to the right
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you...

Starting with some super serious questions answered...

“rainy, how come you're running as Fionia's VP?”

This question has been posed more than once in the last several days. Allow me to answer it for any who may still be wondering.

Fionia is, in fact, a witch. Not just any sort of witch, but an American witch. She reigns over a legion of zombies and has cast her wicked charms on many unsuspecting men. As a Congress member and Speaker of the House, she clearly displayed not only her vision and her ambition but at times, her ruthlessness. How could I say no? What qualifies me to make such accusations, you ask? Well, y'know... it takes one to know one.

“So, rainy, what's with fi and the fedora?"

Simple. Fionia really is THAT gangsta.

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On a more serious note, I know Fionia to be a diligent and determined worker, unafraid to tackle any problem she's faced with. Further, she encourages those around her to contribute meaningfully to the national conversation. In her roles in Congress, as Speaker of the House, within the Department of Education and her various Party positions, she's been listening closely to the needs of the nation and the views of leadership for many, many months and has always worked to help resolve those needs and expand citizens understanding of the variety of issues they are most concerned with.

A champion of higher education and greater community involvement, Fionia recognizes it takes a strong nation of leaders to build a strong nation of leaders.

Due to circumstances beyond her control, Fionia was unfortunately unable to publish the second portion of her platform in which she planned to address her position on foreign policy. I will not presume to speak on her behalf but am confident that she would approach matters of foreign policy in the same manner she does other issues, with a strong back-bone, confident and clear in her purpose, considering of others' perspectives and more than willing to listen & weigh the advice of trusted experts.

I am both humbled and flattered to have been offered to serve as her VP and if elected, will do my utmost not to disappoint my fellow citizens. Thank you for your support and best wishes to all well-qualified candidates.

Recommended Reads
Fionia Declares Intent
Fionia Calls for Cabinet Applications and a VP Announcement
Technical Difficulties: Cabinet Application Update
Fionia's Platform Pt. 1

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