Rage in Congress and the lack of shutting up

Day 951, 16:56 Published in Canada Canada by Bill Forder

I sit here half pissed off and half laughing, it is amazing how fast our country is going down, 1ronman stealing, MoI accountability, and a hell of a lot arguing.

If congress keeps fighting, then we will never get anything done, we have threads where ego wars happen, we might as well name it "eCongress Fight Club"

I have nothing against debating, if anything it is the most productive way of getting the right idea out. I have a huge problem when it becomes personal attacks,both sides are attacking each other.It's turning into Jbdivinus v.s Citizen B, congressman v.s congressman, and party v.s party.

I have been in congress for 3 days and I have seen more fighting in those days then I have seen in my past 4 terms in other countries combined. I thought eCanada was supposed to be the glory child, the perfect bro, and a great ally and a greater nation in V2.

-No matter who the MoI is, I think that it is the right of the people to know where their money is going, Chucky Norris and Prime Minister Dade said that they get reports from the MoI(Citizen 😎 to be honest, I don't care if you and only you get the reports, the people deserve the reports. Don't publish the reports because you have to, please just publish them because it is the right thing to do.

-Everyone swallow their pride pills and start talking like you have never argued before, this will help settle threads on the forums that bring up fights from long ago

-Stop talking about each other's parties, DAL and CPF are know for their rivalry, just make it friendly and stop talking about all of the flaws each has, they both have their ugly and their great sides

Citizens of eCanada, if you are tired of this fighting start, then start speaking up! The people elected into congress are there to serve, not build up their ego.