R&R Straight From A Girl's Heart. "What a girl wants"

Day 1,044, 18:54 Published in USA Denmark by sunnygyrl315

Alright, let me get this out the door right now: everyone will have to bear with me on this one, as it’s the first non fluff article that I’ve written in a very long time. Back in my APF days, I was the Recruitment and Retention Director. I don’t how good of a job I did, but a lot of the people I helped are still friends, and some are very active in the USWP. Personally, I’ve never been big on recruitment, to me it was never the hoorah everyone made it, stressing and fawning over recruitment drives and such. Recruitment has always been the more overrated of the two R’s. In my opinion, recruitment starts with retention.

We all know that retention is the act of retaining something. Honestly, why continue to try to heavily recruit when the members you have continue to leave or die and your numbers steadily dissipate. When you have good retention you don’t have to recruit. Excellent retention will come from your party members; their activity levels will do all of the recruiting for your party. If a person is pleased with their party they will bring others into the party’s fold. The mark of a good party is by the members that stay and by the members that bring others to it. Now, of course, there is always going to be change. I’m not saying that members won’t leave, it’s an ever changing game - they will. But numbers should remain at a constant number, so those who leave are replaced by the quality members coming in.

It’s up to the party to decide the best method of recruiting and retaining members, but I definitely see that as a whole the Top 5 parties will need to step up our game to not only recruit but retain our members. That is why I welcome any one reading this article, to check my party S.E.E.S out. At S.E.E.S, we are stepping up our efforts to be more member friendly, the best we can. In the coming days, our members can expect an increase in our efforts to retain you as a member. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Party President RainySunday or any senior elder of our party including our Dear Great Gagah, Max Wallingbottom or Nicholas Ryan.
Remember dear reader, S.E.E.S is love. ♥