Quiet, sad times

Day 1,640, 15:20 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Marcotje

Hello eMalaysia,

It has been a while since I have written my last article. Today, I noticed our current president doesn't know the eMalaysian history or just don't care. Three days ago, he signed an MPP with eSerbia.

As the older eMalaysians will remember eMalaysia was PTOed by eSerbians. A president should know the history of his country, or atleast one of his cabinetmembers. The current cabinet is unknown to me and I believe to the other eMalaysians as well.

Signing an MPP with PTOers should never be done. It's a sign of no respect to the eMalaysian community. As a neutral country, eMalaysia can sign an MPP with a lot of countries. I'm disappointed in our president.

Not only because of signing an MPP with eSerbia, I'm disappointed, but also because there is no sign of any communication and lots of money disappeared. I hoped this government would be different then the Turks and that's true because atleast the Turks communicated with us...

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