Quick Look at Western Europe- Day 1,301

Day 1,301, 15:42 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by sgtchewy

I will not rant as much as I did last time lest it become a newspaper full of opinions not facts, I’m not saying this is a bad thing but I’m trying to be impartial and factual. On another note, I will be adding a small section of the next news paper to the more easterly, Balkan side of things most likely including FYROM, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Greece, and maybe some others. Because I will be adding all of these this maybe the last time it is actually a Quick look at Western Europe. I will probably change it to, A Look at Europe- Day blah, blah, blah. Not quite as catchy but it will have to do.

Western Europe (Spain, Portugal, France, Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, and Austria)

I’m tired of writing that some country or other was wiped but, this is Europe so it is bound to happen at least once in every single article I write. The first one is Austria; They were wiped after Slovakia were successful in their attempt to take out Salzburg, and used the initiative to take out there one remaining territory. They put down the ensuing resistance and that was that

France continues to be slaughtered by Hungary and Poland, offering only token opposition to their terrible wrath. As I was informed yesterday, thank you Penguin, Poland and Hungary are going through France only to reach the USA. I fear that the USA may actually be wiped. The US seems unable to stop Spain from taking it down so what are its chances with three of ONE’s forces against it. I deem it almost impossible for it to remain on the map without major help from its allies and a little bit of luck.
Germany is extremely lucky that Poland and Hungary have their eyes set on the United State or they would be wiped again by now. As it is all of the resistance activities have been stopped, all four of them. My guess is that Germany may get one more area back before the full power of Poland is brought down on them once again.

Ireland has been fairing badly in the war against the UK. The attack on Northern Ireland was stopped cold, United Kingdom’s mugging of Shannon didn’t go well for them, and, to top it off, they appear to be losing Wexford as well. Some people inside of the United Kingdom’s government have pleaded for a stopping of war to fully focus on helping their ally, France. This is mainly driven by the fear that, as unlikely as it is, Poland may decide to attack them at some time. The clamoring has obviously done no good seeing as the fight still rages.

Like Germany, Italy is persistently getting wiped. They put forth a slew of resistance attacks, take one back then get put under by the next attacker, and they don’t stay up long enough to make any alliances so they are always fighting alone. It is very much like the situation here in Switzerland, except that we are making talks to have one territory released for free. Will Italy ever try that? If they do, will there even be a chance that they will get one back? Personally I believe that FYROM will not want to relinquish control of any part of it. But you never know, sometimes large countries make the weirdest of decisions.

I am happy to say that one of the wars that has been going since the start of my articles has been stopped. Portugal has officially ended their ongoing war against Venezuela. Yesterday, Venezuela signed a peace treaty proposed by Portugal’s president, Klavh, which was passed 18 to 3. Hopefully I will have a little less to write on this front in my next article.

It appeared as if Spain were attempting cut right through America to reach the pacific coast. I thought there next move would be to take Nevada, I was wrong. Instead they made an attack on the other side of the continent, they made a move on Maryland and they took it. It’s as if the US isn’t even putting up a struggle. Spain has won the last 15 battles without the US wining a single small battle inside those battles. Is there some sort of land swap I’m not aware of, because it looks to me like they want Spain to conquer them completely?

I said on top I would make this one shorter I seem to have lied, It has gotten even longer. Sorry, I appear to have started ranting and giving my opinion again. I really don’t fell like rewriting so I’m going to take a vote, everyone who wants me to keep giving my opinion and ranting about this and that say so in a comment, those of you which want it to be shorter and stop me talking about random stuff please say so as well. Also please tell me if you would prefer if I didn’t start covering the Balkan’s. It is very nice to know if a something I do is unpopular. I will take a tally right before I start writing my next edition so please let me know how you fell. I would like all the constructive criticism you can throw at me. Just please don’t talk about me adding pictures, I’m working on it right now.

Thank you for catching some Z’s whilst reading this, Sgt.Chewy