Quick Look at Western Europe- Day 1,299

Day 1,299, 10:21 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by sgtchewy

I Intended that this be a bi-daily newspaper but unfortunately the admins fucked up two days ago so I couldn't write and yesterday I just had enough time to eat, work, train, and get off so there is a lot more stuff to catch up on then I'd like there to be.

Western Europe (Spain, Portugal, France, Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, and Austria)

Switzerland launched a resistance attack on Romandie against FYROM. This I have read was not advocated by the Swiss government but was in fact an attack by EDEN.

I was totally utterly surprised when France actually got in a fight of there own. It started when France made Hungary there Natural Enemy. Hungary then in turn made France there Natural Enemy. For some reason neither of these two attacked first. No France had much worse in store for them. Poland decided to declare France as there Natural Enemy and commenced in attacking them shortly after. If France thought things were bad then they don't even want to know what was coming next. Both Poland and Hungary went on a blitz attack of France. Since I'm relativity new I decided to look at the alliance maps etc. to get a good idea of why someone would assault another. This battle I found was merely one front in World War V, Poland and Hungary with ONE, France with Terra. Poland and Hungary have had there way so far in this war taking Champagne Ardenne, Picardy, and Alsace. France tried a small counter-attack on Hungary to no avail. Poland are currently attacking Upper Normandy, and Franche-comte.

Austria took back Salzburg after much trying with a resistance war. Then Slovakia made Austria there Natural Enemy and vise-versa. Slovakia is currently attacking the recently taken back, you guessed it, Salzburg.

I've said this before but, it really truly is frigging amazing how many resistance wars can be started by one country in a short amount of time.
Germany launched a series of twelve, twelve resistance attacks in only three days time. In this period of mass confusion I'm surprised to say that even one was taken. In all of there attacks against the ONE occupying forces, a single territory, Bavaria, was conquered. Sweden deflected all the attacks, Poland did as well but Hungary, distracted by there war with France, was unable to hold back all of the resistance attempts. The real question is whether they will be able to hold it or will they be wiped again.

The United Kingdom attacked and held Shannon, Ireland. Then they proceeded to attack Wexford but were stopped. Shannon was reconquered by a resistance force and Ireland is now attacking Northern Ireland. Right now I live in Ireland( I know boo me, whatever) but it is just starting to get on my nerves how these two fight constantly but neither of them gets anywhere. Its take Louth then lose it and take it again, how about let’s attack Northeast of England this time, nope they took Cork so let’s focus on that. It just doesn't stop. There have been peace talks but something tells me those aren't going anywhere. I know this is the whole point of eRepublik and don't get me wrong I love to get in a couple of fights but, when you reach the point where no one can really hold any ground for a decent amount of time like this, you just hope that one side just gives up at one point. Now onto something that is not just my opinion.

Italy just isn't getting anywhere quick. Whenever they take some territory back the first person to fight them wins. The same thing happened again but this time they had taken two territories back. Both Molise and Apulia were attacked and taken shortly after Italy had gotten them back. The poor suckers just can't seem to hold onto anything.

A meaningless resistance war was started in the Netherlands, is was put down quickly by Poland.

Venezuela and Portugal have traded blows much like the current Anglo-Irish war. They have attacked each other mercilessly but, neither can gain the advantage. Venezuela is currently assaulting the Azores, Portugal's coastal islands. I suspect that they will get nowhere.

Yet again the war between the USA and Spain has had to way many battles of too little importance but also has it's share of very important battles as well. I don't want to sift through them all so here is the gist. Spain took both Nebraska and Kansas, the USA has begun resistance battles in almost every state they control. Spain is on the attack again this time in Colorado. Now this type of war I like, it all has a meaning to it. One side is actually getting somewhere. Spain is going through there country like a knife through hot butter and are likely going to end in control of a lot of it. This isn't a back and forth battle where it will end in an impasse. At the end things will have changed. I just hope that some countries will realize this is the only reason for war and change the way they attack.

This probably should have been titled, A Not So Quick Look at Western Europe, next time I won't rant near as much and maybe, just maybe, you will be able to make it through the whole article without falling asleep.

Thank you for reading if you weren't catching some z's, Sgt.Chewy