Quick Economic Report v2

Day 259, 02:31 Published in Japan Switzerland by Antonio Fonti

I have been away for only a few weeks and already improvement has been made in that very short space of time for the nation of Japan and indeed many other nations across the globe. Our population has risen once again after initial concerns last month that our population may have been falling instead of growing as our neighbours had been.

But now the future looks more bright, our population has risen over 310 people, a new high for Japan, hopefully this influx of people will provide new life into some of our industries and help ease our probblems with lack of employees. The markets as i look at them now are also a pleasent surprise, all markets are full (except hospitals of course), with a regular abundance of products at low and affordable prices for anyone on a decent wage.

The most encouraging markets have been moving and housing, were production has grown immensely, with many offers from many companies coming available, hopefully with time a stronger sense of competetiveness will be seen with these companies. This should with time bring down prices. This can already be observed in the moving and food industries, as renewed and plentiful competition is dragging prices down lower which is always good to help fight inflation, which as some of you may have realised has roared above 39% and looks set to go into the 40s, there does seem to be a trend apearing as inflation continues to rise from only 30% in my last review, but as i explained in my last article, [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-409202.html]here[/a], inflation in Japan can be attributed to many things thatare well within our and the government's control, so it should be of no concern for us now.

My main worry in my last article however was the continuing weakening of the JPY, where is was selling at just 1jpy = 0.016 gold in my last review, it has now regained it's strength in unprecedented time, it's market value is now staying steady at 1jpy = 0.034 gold (approx.) which is a massive and wonderful achievement for Japan, which will encourage gold to be sold at a cheaper price, with any luck this will help fill Japan with more gold, reducing inflation further.

I had intended to work on this problem with the government when i returned from my holiday, i had lobbied for it with them in the past and i was pleasently surprised by the sudden change. Hopefully it will be for the best, and it should be monitored to keep this current market value in place, i encourage people to sell/buy at these prices for this purpose. Nonetheless Japan does indeed look in great shape at the moment.