Questions Answered by ePlaygirl!!!

Day 498, 06:41 Published in Philippines United Kingdom by Meghan

Q: do i get someone (lee) to stop calling me and following me around..taking pictures...waiting till im drunk to try make his move...
A: Start playing back, he eventually will get bored of trying to tease you, and if you go perverted enough he may get so scared he’ll leave you forever!
I suggest Private Messages as they seem more serious 😉

Q: What is the meaning of life? What is the essence of being? And, what is your social security number? XD
-Ariel David Buena
A: Spreading your genes onto the next generation. Having unprotected sex with your married partner (or life partner). 463-82-5633 😉 (look at the letters on the buttons on your phone to decode the secret message!)

Q: Dear eplaygirl, I'm hoping to break the ice with an egirl I've recently met, who I'm told loves men in uniform. But timing is everything! Which is more impressive - asking while scarred from fighting, or while brimming with health after going to the hospital?
Thanks, WorriedWarrior.
A: Brimming with health totally!!!! 😃 better to see a guy that’s healthy than some punk you have to gift back to life! The health kinda shows that you know how to take care of yourself and won’t have to worry about raising your health when you could raise hers instead 😃

Q: Dear eplaygirl, my so-called lover is clearly more interested in army buddies than me! It's the gifts from his army buddies thaat turn him on and get him hot - he doesn't even notice when I give him something, but hear him moan if a buddy's gift is even a few minutes late! I know he loves the hot guns and shiny leather, and that's fine, it's what brought us together - but how can I get him to respect what I do for him?
In hope, RareGem.
A: stop gifting him for a while! Distance makes the heart grow fonder! (p.s. the guy seems like a spoiled gold digga)

Q: Dear eplaygirl,
I've recently done well trading and hope to take a romantic trip with my love. But Moving Tickets are all of very low quality; even Q3 are as rare as hen's teeth! How can I make our trip a special occasion?
best wishes, Corporate Raider.
A: gift her after ya’ll use the moving tickets…gifting is like the kiss of eRepublik!!! And it raises wellness so that no harm was done by the moving XD

Q: Miss eplaygirl, please help me!
I've just saved up for a nice candlelit dinner with a girl I've got a crush on, but I'm not sure she's still playing! I don't want to just donate a Q5 meal to her if we can't enjoy it together - and I don't know how to stop myself from just eating them myself if I don't gift one to her.
Please help me, Shy Guy.

A: Message her ass!!!! If she’s bum enough to stop playing don’t waste your time! Find another chick or save the meal for later.

Q: Can you give me 20G? -Shadow
A: No…sorry. I’m poor, and I’m not your sugar mamma!
Q: have you ever smoked pot?
A: In all honesty I have not…I’ve been offered but I never wanted to really :/

Q: How does it feel to have the same weight as a whale? - Trichoplax
A: I don’t know how much a whale weighs….I might weigh the same as a baby whale…:/ but to answer your question, I cry myself to sleep every night, knowing that no man will ever love me! ;_;

But it is nice to be able to make the more violent men hesitate to fight me though 😃 being fat does have it’s advantages you know!

Q: Why does it hurt when I pee?-Richard York
A: You most likely have a urinary tract infection, which could have been caused for a vast amount of reasons. Go to your doctor and for God’s sake have good hygiene!!!

Q: Will my grandchildren one day have to worry about having Canadian overlords?
A: You need not worry about Canadian overlords! Canadians are far too peace-loving for that! They have a leaf on their flag for goodness sakes! And if so we can always revolt easily, taking tips from Southpark

Q: What is love?-Blitzwithlimes
A: When mommy tastes daddy’s coffee before giving it to him to make sure it’s how he likes it 😃!

Q: Where is 'fancy' bred? In the heart or in the head?- KillaJezuz
A: In the head, fancy is relative to each culture and person as is beauty, marriage, love, family etc.

Q: How does Meghan find happyness? What does she do to achieve this emotion, and how often does it come.-Whac
A: Thank you! As if I don’t talk about myself enough! I’m usually always happy unless I’m in certain classes or around certain people. I just lie to myself and tell myself how pretty I am and that my family loves me and that I am the bread winner for them and that I try to be a good person. And then I make sex jokes or talk dirty XD truly…

Q: here's one: what's your opinion on older women dating younger guys? 😃
and oh yeah, can we be friends? XD
A: Go for it! Age ain’t nothing but a number…unless it’s illegal! Rules for men should apply to women as well. And yes we can be friends! 😃

Q: baby, why do we have so many bed
A: who you calling “baby”? If you’re having problems in bed the issue might be with your penis…go to a urologist and check what’s up. If you don’t think it’s your penis you should experiment with your partner find his/her erogenous zones…this will help you turn him/her on more thus eliminating some problems in the bedroom.

A: What is love? Love is a Night at the Roxbury…XD….hmmmm maybe it’s when two people are so comfortable around each other that even the nastiest things that their partner does, fails to bother him/her anymore

Q: Who is love?

It seems like he is more wanted than OBL

Is there a reward for capturing him?
-JT Holdings
A: Love? Like the romantic guy? He’s some creepy naked guy that runs around and shoots people with an arrow. Should you succeed in catching him…you get free hugs! 😃

~~~ePlaygirl, a paper with Fox News!!!~~~