Queen of New York (Real article this time!)

Day 790, 21:31 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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In this article
I'm Back!
Giving Out Endorsements
My Term Off
My Old Platforms
People Endorsing Me
Parties Endorsing Me

I'm Back!

That's right, no need to worry about whether or not I'm coming back to Congress. I've been asked this many times over the past few days, and I am proud to say that I fully intend to run for Congress again in New York. I would like to thank ligtreb (who equals awesome) for taking my place for the past month. I've had my break, and now I'm ready to roll.

Now, a particularly relevant song for you to enjoy while reading the rest of this article.

Me Endorsing People

The past few months, I've been personally endorsing people for Congressional elections. This time, I'm going to try to organize myself a bit so I won't have endorsements sprawling across three different articles. So, if you would like me to endorse you, PM me in-game with a link to your platform. I'll look it over, and see what I think (unless your name happens to be Patches, in which case it's pretty much an automatic endorsement). I'll publish all the endorsements, including descriptions and my opinion of each person in a future article.

My Term Off

Just because I haven't been in Congress this month doesn't mean I've been slacking off. So what have I been doing? Well, having a life for one, but in game, I've organized and run my second trivia competition (congratulations to the winner, Joseph Straatmann). I've also spent quite a bit of time organizing the North American University. Starting from just a registration form and what I knew from the classes I had taken in the previous term, I have found new teachers, gotten 80 people to register (thanks to the article I wrote, which was promoted by the Pony Express, and the ads I ran), created a uniform set of IRC channels for the classes, and set up a schedule so all the teachers are starting in the same week this term. While organizing for this term, I have also come up with several interesting ideas for the next term. Look for an article about those ideas to be coming after the elections are over.

My Old Platforms

No picture here, sorry. Just some links to my two good campaign articles, from October and November:

* October: Congress In New York-- Fionia for a Second Term
* November: Three: A Magic Number

This Month's Platform

A platform. XD

Who am I?

A lot of you reading this probably already know the answer to that question, but the newer and less active players among you might not. I am Fionia, a proud USWP member and director of the Legal Department for the USWP. I also have numerous friends among the Libs, AAP, and Feds. I have been the Congresswoman for New York 3 times before (September, October, and November). I am the dean of the North American University. I am also the semi-regular editor and publisher of this newspaper, and the unofficial Trivia Queen, having run two IRC trivia competitions. I've been an active player continuously since my first Congressional run in September, and I haven't looked back since.

Why New York?

Well, my choosing New York was originally just a random choice. Back in September, when new candidates were still allowed to choose their states, I needed a state where no other USWPer was running. That ended up being New York. As random as it was at first, I quickly grew to love this state. It has the unique position of being the largest Wasteland state (state without a hospital), but that population is also, in large percentages, dead or inactive. I've mass PMed this state numerous times, and also managed to get several people out into a fortress region. More about that later; for now, let me just say how glad I am to be back on my ehome turf.

The Issues

There are two very big issues that I want to address here: Infrastructure (namely, hospitals) and Government Accountability.

Government Accountability

Watching Congress throughout the past 4 months, and participating in it for three of those has led me to some interesting observations. The best Congress we had was probably the 24th, which was the term starting November 26th and ending on Christmas. But even then, there were some problems that need to be addressed if Congress is going to be a useful part of the governmental structure. People need to learn how to debate again. Debating 😕= arguing, though. And debating is not a reason for everyone to cry 'partisan' and start muttering about how terrible things were before the invasion. There are times when issues need to be debated, when people need to realize that 'Yes' isn't the automatic vote. I've gotten a new perspective in my month outside, and, even though I might have been a rubber-stamper before, I am damn well not going to be one now. The other issue plaguing Congress is lack of transparency and accountability. Just thinking off the top of my head, I know of only two Congressmen who bother to publish a voting record or details about the regular going-ons of Congress. Granted, I am not subscribed to every Congressman's newspaper, but it is hard, even for an active citizen, to know what is going on in Congress. Now, I'm not looking for updates on every donation proposal that goes by, but I'd like to know what's being discussed in the non-publically-accessible part of the forums, especially if it is going to have some impact on the general public. Therefore, I pledge that I will publish a voting record (and explanations of those votes) once a week, every week, when I am in Congress this coming term.


Oh boy. This is a tough issue to tackle, especially at midnight. Like I mentioned earlier, New York is a unique state. Highest population without a hospital, and yet...I have said this before, and I will repeat it here again: New York does not have enough of an active population to support a Q5 hospital. And like Woxan said in his article earlier today, the brand new players that people believe can be retained through the use of hospitals---won't know what a hospital is until they can fight, and if they get bored before they can fight (which a high percentage do), then a hospital will do nothing to retain them. That all being said, I am curious to find some statistics to support either side of this argument. Therefore, on of the first things I will do once elected is PM the entire state with EXP and wellness higher than 0, ask them about fighting and hopsitals, and see how many of them actually respond. In fact, I'll keep track of who joins in New York for an entire week, and see how many of them respond. And then I'll publish the results here. Who knows, it might change my mind.

The Citizens of New York
I am here to help. If you need advice, I can give it to you. If you need gifts, or moving tickets to get to a fortress state (Florida or California), I can give it to you, or get one of my friends to help if I don't have enough money. If you would like to talk to me more directly, instead of through PMs, you can go to my IRC channel. I am definitely available from 9 to 11 PM EST, but I am also usually available at other times after 3 PM EST.

People Endorsing Me

Here are some quotes (some serious, some humorous) from people who want to see me back in Congress:

Emmanuel Cruise: "Fionia has been a pleasure to work with in Congress and deserves to serve again." and "Fiona is from Shrek. And I like Shrek, thus she must be in congress"

Joe Newton: “Fionia is a hard worker, who puts out the best quality work consistently. She would be a fine addition to congress.” and “Fionia often reminds me of Jesus.”

touchdown_thomas: “Fionia gave me my citizenship back after helping against a PTO.”

Devoid: “Fionia has a nice hat and a difficult-to-spell name.”

Bradley Reala: “Fionia is p hot. 😛

Reng: “Fionia is a woman. That's Reason number one. Fionia always gives her all is is devoted to Her Country and Party. Vote for her. Or we will find you.”

b. k. blake: “Fionia is active in anything and everwhere her boobs and more importantly her brain take her.. (except the Home Guard (o.o)?) She is pro Rate Woman AND I LOVE HER ARGUMENTS!!! THEY ARE VERY WELL WRITTEN!”

Stratafyre: "Fionia is from New York, which is awesome. I wish I could be."

Dodgercatcher: "Fionia is a hardworker and gets the job done, not to mention that Devan would kill me if I said anything less. 😛"

DanielCD: "I'd vote that."

Patches O'Houlihan: "The month when Fionia was not in congress was the month I felt like a bonehead. Now she's back, and I hope we all get in congress!"

Parties Endorsing Me

NEW Addition:

And more to be added...

That's all for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading, voting, and subsribing, and thanks to everybody for their continued support.

Signing off,