Q5 Hospital in the West Region

Day 701, 03:09 Published in Netherlands USA by Mitch Rapp

The worldwide demand for Q5 Hospitals has dropped enormously. PEACE doesn’t attack any F/E countries anymore for the fear of activating MPP’s and this is the same the other way around. This has left us with two Q5 hospitals in stock (a third one already 40% done) and no one wanting to buy them. Although we are all looking hard on finding buyers for our hospitals and DS it looks like this will take some time.

That is why I want to propose the placement of a Q5 Hospital in the West Region. Yes, the West Region and not Flanders. Here is why:

The West region is the only region that matters. Yes all other regions are also important but the West Region is the only one with a high raw namely grain. This is why we placed a Q5 DS there because if we get attacked and are being overrun we will retreat to the West Region. This is our Alamo.

A lot of the major companies are located in the West Region as well and the grain companies which make up a sizeable part of our tax revenue.

The West region is already very active as in the last congress election 69 people (58 in August) voted in the West Region compared to 74 (86 in August) in Wallonia. A total of 240 people live in the West Region.

Right now the West Region has a Q4 Hospital which will be lost if we place a Q5 Hospital but remember that if we ever get attacked we will all have to move to the West Region and that one time extra fighting will make us much stronger. So although the cost might be high from a strategic point of view and on the long term the placement of a Q5 Hospital will be necessary.

I hope I can count on your support.