Q1 Food & Grain Prices - Government should step in

Day 633, 12:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus

It's tough being in an eCredit Crunch and it is certainly not the time to be holding to free market principles. They are luxuries that a fully developed eNation can afford. But lets face it, economically, militarily and socially, eUK is nowhere near that now.

Currently the prices for Q1 Food and Grain are free to move in line with the market and that means they move only DOWN.

This is not healthy for the economy. Deflation is not good for business: It means worker get less money because we get less money. Less money for the workers means less development. A company's primary function in eRepublik is to develop it's employees experience levels. Making money and improving the economy are secondary.

Surely it is now time for market regulation and the imposition of a recommended restricted range of pricing for Food and Grain to allow companies to make a decent profit and properly develop their employees, rather having to operate at a loss in order to sell their products.