Pulling Back this Term.

Day 652, 05:11 Published in India India by kansarasumit

My Beloved eIndia,

As you may have noticed - I have been nominated by DPI to run for the Office of President of eIndia. I thank Party President of DPI - BroodRoosterNL for the nomination and his endorsement. I also thank my brothers - serving President Shail.back, Mavrick10, Jelly, Dragons007, Mr.Dee and David Forde for their endorsements, along with numerous other brothers. I really appreciate your kind support and love. Really, Thank You Very Much. I love you guys back just as much.

But, greater work needs to be done now - which I cannot serve as the President. I am pulling out of the Presidential Race with all Humility and Respect.

Many veteran leaders and politicians of eIndia are in dire need of a break and need time to relax from the heavy burden of responsibilities. Which means - New and young leaders have to be trained and groomed to take on the Top Offices.

I am taking the initiative to train my favored cabinet from the secured umbrella of a very experienced and a receptive President. My favored cabinet is already taking a very proactive role in present governance. This period will further sharpen the skills of my cabinet and instill a professional attitude towards the jobs that will take over. Running a country isn't something you learn on the job.

The upcoming transition is going to be epic and something that will ensure that eIndia stay on its path of Peace, Prosperity and Progress.

One more reason I would like to remain as the Minister of Foreign Affairs is - I have been working very hard on getting 'eIndian Natural States - but occupied by foreign powers' returned to eIndia. The conditions and situations are not in our favor; so it takes more effort and more time. My job would be easier if I worked and pushed as a MoFA with a VERY Strong and a VERY Respected man in the world backing my efforts.

I hope I have been able to explain the reasons of me backing out of the race. I would also like to mention that I have and will always have the support to win the Presidential elections - but I should be able to do justice to my election. Right now, I cannot justify. I will run in the coming term - With a Strong and a Dedicated Cabinet, and More Stars on my Uniform.

Thank You again eIndia for your love. I love you back just as much.

With Humble Regards to all of you...

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of eIndia.
Congressman of eIndia.