Public Questions from Presidential Debate

Day 469, 22:36 Published in Canada Canada by Dade Pendwyn

Here they are. For the list of official questions go here. These are the juicy audience questions. Thanks to RoyMunson for compiling these for me.

DadePendwyn If Canada were under attack and losing terribly, what would be your first and upmost priority to the people? (from Shaddy Joe)

Zanalan Consolidate a last bastion of defense. Where would be a matter of how the battle had unfolded. *done*

Dominik I would make a call to arms for all citizens. I would fight with everything that I have. On the logical side of things, I'd be requesting help from our allies. *done*

Bruck To use every means within my power to defend Canada including using reserve funds and our stockpiles of weapons set aside for just this case. Assuming Ontario still holds it would be our bastion of defense and from there launch resistance wars to harass the enemy, use up their supplies and attempt to liberate our nation. I would also make every effort to call on foreign powers for aid. *done*

DadePendwyn What steps will you take to address the growing desire for transparency in congressional debates? (from Josh Taggart)

Bruck I support conditional transparency. I support government reporting on the activities of Congress and the Cabinet, I support a Congressman's right to bring transgressions to the public, but I do not support public access to the Congressional forum. We need congress to make important and security sensitive decisions in private and by their concisences, not under public pressure and foreign scrutiny,.* done*

Zanalan The CSD has been the one party to call for transparency in each of the past three session. We will continue to make that call for openness. I have also committed to presenting Josh's "openness motion" once it is finalized. Canadians have a right to know what Congress is doing. *done*

Dominik I have been a supporter of transparency for many months. In my presidency, I would push for read-only access to congress for all citizens. Immediate actions I would take include appointing a top Canadian journalist to work under the Social Service wing of my cabinet and be in charge of posting regular articles on cabinet affairs. Basically, I would do what I could to establish near-maximum transparency (with the exception of sensitive info)*done*

DadePendwyn Zanalan, you never took a stance on the Dean22 issue. Did you support Dean22's ejection from Canada, and what was your stance on his attempt to strongarm the Canadian government into doing as he and his business cronies wanted? (from Augustus Baldwin)

Zanalan Dean was able to screw over the people of Canada because the President allowed him to. He should have been stopped far earlier by the previous administration. I guess I have a question about the methods of his ejection. The Supreme Court heard the case and rendered a decision and punishment. I believe we should have honored that decision. At the same time, I think certain people screwed up by not launching the expulsion case in Congress first.*done*

DadePendwyn Do you believe the boomer generation has been fully integrated into eCanada, or are there further measures you would enact to ensure that young citizens remain active? (from RoyMunson)

Dominik I've outlined numerous ideas in the first part of my platform. I believe the boomers have been partially/temporarily integrated, but we need to establish more programs to keep them interested and make sure we receive a long-term addition to our community. Hopefully, the boomer generation will be among the leaders of Canada in a couple of months. There are many skilled individuals, and my ultimate gain is to make the hierarchy of Canada competitive, ensuring boomers will stay interested. In the meanwhile, my reforms will ensure a wide range of institutions boomers can participate in.*done*

DadePendwyn How can you justify being supported by the separatist Bloc? Is political power and votes more important to you than Canadian unity and national interest? (from Augustus Baldwin)

Dominik The Bloc liked the idea I was proposing which would include the reformation of our government system into a more decentralised regional system giving the Quebecois more control over their own affairs. And yes, if a referendum confirms the desire of Quebec to separate, I will fully support Quebec sovereignty. *done*

There they are. Be sure to read the official questions as well. And don't forget to sub!

Thanks for reading.