PTO Watch

Day 1,131, 09:30 Published in Philippines Norway by Sigurd Aasen

Hullo ePhilippines,

I once used to post articles every election where I singled out candidates which looked dodgey and I did not like the look of. Since, looking over the elections which are taking place today, I noticed some candidates I did not like the look of, I decided it was maybe time to revive my old job as unofficial PTO Watchman.

Obviously I don't want to incorrectly mislabel innocents as PTOers, so if there are any people here who are known not to be PTOers, please inform me. And if there are any potential PTOers who I have missed, please let me know aswell. Thank you.

Here are a list of candidates I have suspected of foul play:


Christman Desanto

Scorpio Son

Anthony Romeo

Silver Chair


JufranX - This citizen is second in this region, amassing a total of 5 votes. Despite being old (born in May this year), this citizen has never been in congress before, has no newspaper or has never made any shouts.




Phil Baser





frunky lei

Clearly Sky

Thank you for your co-operation. Again, I ask again in fear of wrongly accusing anyone falsely of being a PTOer, to correct me.

Thank you, and remember, vote safe!