Day 871, 15:40 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret

Today, the admins of eRepublik concluded their investigation of seko38's PTO during the April 2010 presidential elections. The means used to achieve the election victory was indeed foul play.

At the moment, there is no official statement from the admins yet. This message will be updated with more info as soon as it is disclosed. For the time being, the status is as follows:

- All original Norwegian regions have been returned to Norway.
- UK and Russian MPPs that were activated by seko38 have been cancelled.

UPDATE: Oh yes, you are very welcome to fight against UK in Sorlandet. Currently we have hospitals in Svalbard & Jan Mayen, Trondelag and Vestlandet. You might want to move there in order to heal after fighting.

It is not yet decided wether to restore the Norwegian MPPs that were cancelled by seko38, and if the hospitals lost in the following occupations will be reinstated. At the moment, the Norwegian government will not comment further on the particular steps taken by the admins, but will suffice to say that the ability to identify and remedy violations of the game rules is extremely important for eRebulik's survival.

No matter how much the admins choose to correct the consequences of the cheating PTO, things look a lot better for our nation than a short while ago. We were really looking forward to making Svalbard & Jan Mayen our new capital, but that will just have to wait until later...

IMPORTANT: Company owners, please help pull the economy and markets back into play by offering job positions for all skill types.