PTO Attempts Fail

Day 533, 04:51 Published in South Africa Ukraine by Australian Warlord

Almost all known PTO attempts have failed (suspiciously so - what happened to all of these votes?)

The Philipines attempt was aborted.
eHungary basically is no longer too interested in the new states.
If eSpanish citizens attempted to PTO eFrance then it was a pathetic attempt.

eChina is still eIndonesian controlled
eIndonesia yet again proved that it's better than eRomania in a head to head PTO battle. eRussia remains in eIndonesian hands.

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The great story of the month was eSth Africa. The eSth African candidate Gabriel Borien from Black Lion Front got 320 votes, defeating the eIndonesian candidate wizzie_don from the Church Of Wizziology who polled just 2 less with 318 votes.

The great thing is that Aussies made the difference with anumber of Australian Legion supporters travelling to eSth Africa to stop the PTO (including at least one exile boasting that he went to eSth Africa in the last minutes). Without us (and many others each deciding to assist), eSth Africa would have been PTO'd. To all those who travelled to eSth Africa to stop the PTO, open a bottle of Cascade (a Tasmanian beverage company - both alcoholic & non-alcoholic).