PtH, Productivity Changes, and Drama- OH MY!

Day 1,025, 15:34 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

I don’t know ‘bout you, but I’m in the mood for some McFerrin.

I am of the firm belief that everybody needs to get together and sing either some McFerrin or Kumbaya right now, just to take the edge off of all this drama.


Elections were September 5th and people are still freaking out about supporting Pizza the Hut like it’s Armageddon. Take a page out of Happy Chair’s book and enjoy eRep. Before admin does something else crazy with production or skills.

No seriously. The admins dun goofed up:

Dear citizen,

Managers of the New World, we have great news for you! We have noticed the difficulties you have met when inquiring which citizens should be hired. In order to make your company management task easier and also to reduce the possible negative profits, we have improved the productivity formula. We have balanced the productivity balance by decreasing a bit the productivity of old citizens and greatly enhancing the productivity of new citizens. By this, we have manged to make all citizens worth to be hired.

The eRepublik team

See more here at Vai Siv’s in-depth coverage of this issue.

After reading over his Mr. Siv’s blog, I was mortified at what the admins have done. I’ve never been a manager but I’ve taken a college-level Economics course and I can hear my professor shouting in my ear in his thick Bronx accent to pay attention in class again. Good times, man, good times.

What will be the outcome of all this change?

Inflation! What is it? It’s a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. The only thing is it’s all of the sudden and because of productivity. The changes in productivity became a problem when managers began to complain about how this would put them all out of business.

How? I think it will be because of rising production prices which means purchase price will go up as well. It’s the same way with purchasing gasoline in the US. What do you do when prices go up? You buy less because it’s too expensive and maybe you don’t have as much disposable income. With fewer purchases, managers will make a smaller profit. As the profits dwindle, some businesses will shut down. More experienced players will begin to leave the game and once the newer players become experienced ones, they'll quit too.

The admins really need to rethink this because they’re giving another kick in the guy to an already wounded economy. This is all speculation on my part so I'd love to get some input from those with experience.

If you read The Royal Tribune and have experience as a manager, I want your input in the comments. Your responses will put this all in a better light for readers that may not get it like you would.

Till next time, my fellow eAmericans...
~ PrincessVictoria