Protracted Revolutionary Peoples War

Day 3,453, 19:34 Published in USA USA by Pfenix Quinn

I try my best
To be just like I am
But everybody wants you
To be just like them
They sing while you slave
And I just get bored


Elections, schmelections.

First, the communist movement in e-Republik needs to refine its elaboration of revolution. As the fight against e-fascism, e-imperialism, e-monopoly, e-nationalism, e-patriarchy and e-boredom progresses, the more widely the millenial war that was started with the founding of the Socialist Freedom Party spreads, as the crisis of global e-capital drives the players to enlist in the PRPW, just as we have seen, at various e-historical junctures a growing number of newbies, elders, lurkers and housewives joining the Resistance, so the even more it is necessary that the Party -- and the Global Anarka-Socialist Movement -- learns to put the general conception of PRPW as strategic gameplay into concrete initiatives: into cultural and artistic campaigns, into a growing social ecology of alternative "municipalities", in political battles and operations of all kinds, into song, and so on and so forth, until the mobilization of a sufficient mass of disgusted and detourned players can establish anarka-socialist-democracy in the eUSA and thus gift their most important contribution to a great wave of e-proletarian revolution sweeping away the rotting edifice of eRepublik altogther, and replacing it with fully-automated sublime-luxury-queer eCommunism. Or something like that.

Second, to give the great anarka-socialist and other rebel thinkers and doers the place they deserve in the USAnian and international communist movement for the outstanding work they have done. Against the misrepresentations of their work by the arch-revisionists of the USWP, the bureaucrat-oligarchs of the Fed Party, and the inane droolings of various zombified-Reaganauts, and their accomplices and successors who have submitted the proletarian revolutionaries as mild lunatics or, worse, advocates of a peaceful road to coexistence with the monstrous boredom, narcissistic idolotry and anti-popular elitism of eRepublikanism, which in practice is the very antithesis of global anarka-socialist freeplay.

But also against the anti-communist use of anarka-socialist thought the bourgeois so-called "left" tries to twist this legacy into a soft, chewy pretzel: presenting this perspective and this red startrek horizon for the eUSA and the New World as an opponent of the actual line personified by Osmany Ramon, by Phoenix Quinn, by Vincent Nolan and the original Internationale and e-Communist movement until the admin treachery of V2, which took away our peoples' orgs and party tribunes and delivered such a devastating setback to the PRPW. When it reality it was the SFP, even when segregated in banishment, who developed, in the light of the formidable and difficult tasks confronting the global anarka-socialist movement and the experience of the e-communist movement, the most comprehensive critique of the fascist, revisionist and neo-liberal conceptions who are the main opponents of Ramonist-PQ Thought about the orientation to be given to the virtual play-revolution e-internationally, and who remain the repository of the shining light of e-science, of a deeply cynical materialist dialectic with which to pursue this great act of destruction and construction to its happy-rainbow culmination.

These two reasons alone amply justify the publication of certain contributions by the revolutionary comrades, although the study of their entire corpus is still in progress, and always will be, as with any scientific undertaking, which is also reflected by the uncertainty that you may see in future editions regarding the pointing-out of the main and most important texts among all of those relevant to your assimilation of the teaching of the SFP and its allies about the Protracted Revolutionary Peoples War.

Until next time, stay vigilant, bash the fash, and remember, it's OUR game.

All Power to the People.

Off the Pigs.

Go Sox.