Proteus, eUS's new hope?

Day 2,051, 17:42 Published in USA USA by WaspMk4

As I promised, here is my article on Paul Proteus.

I asked several people some questions about Proteus and the current political situation, but so far, only one has answered.

So, without further delay, let me introduce Wingfield, who, as many of you probably know, wrote the 4-part series on 'The New Era eUs Politics'.

"The biggest problem facing the new ePOTUS will be maintaining legitimacy. When selected by a small minority, rather than elected with popular support, the Unity nominee will not have a popular manadate.

Rest assured, the Unity nominee will win this month because the AFA does not have enough support and the Unity process, however it is dressed up, actually prevents a popularly based candidate having a chance. There is simply no groundswell of support for a non-Unity cabdidate because of the stagnation resulting from a closed system.

Paul Proteus is a kid. But he is older and far more mature than Tenshibo.

A large portion of the eUS citizenry will simply ignore the government from here on in. That will certainly make thing difficult, both for the new POTUS in establishing legitimacy and for anyone to shake off the Serbs."

Wingfield certainly collated my thoughts into one well-stated and simple reply.
Several excerpts from Proteus' candidacy speech indicate his own ideas and plans for presidency, which go along with Wingfield's idea of him being mature.

"I will be ready and willing to bring this country forward starting on Day 1."
"Nothing will be easy; restoring our country will not be easy, putting the nails in the coffin of the PTO will not be easy, but while we may not be the strongest country in the game, working together, our potential is limitless."
"Last month, Tenshibo issued an ultimatum to CoT by challenging them to act. This month I have a slight corollary to that: challenging them to act together."
"So, lend me your hand America, let’s go on an adventure together, let’s make America great,"

So, I ask you. Have you considered who you will vote for, and why?