Prosperous Party

Day 93, 15:12 Published in Norway Norway by Sasha Igorovich

It's official Russia is now a two-party system. Just days before the local elections several new citizens, who predominantly started in mid-February, who predominantly all live in Volgograd and who predominantly all work for the same company, started their own party -- The Prosperous Party.

I was unaware of the existence of this party until their Party President, KalashnikoV defeated FTM's Tani Vickson to become mayor of Volgograd.

So who are these people?

The PROSPEROUS PARTY??? Sounds good, doesn't it? But prosperous for whom? It appears for TURKEY!

Take a note of today’s transactions…
KogaN donates 5.00 GOLD to Majere, Gorbacov donates 10.00 GOLD, Dimitre Donates 10.00 GOLD to Majere, KalashnikoV donates 40.00 GOLD to Majere. That is a total of 65.00 GOLD donated from Prosperous Party Members to Majere today alone.

Who is Majere? He is a citizen in Istanbul, Turkey. And what did Majere do with all this RUSSIAN GOLD? He donates 5.00 GOLD to Ali Bekir (a Turk), and then 3.00 GOLD to Ali Bekir again, and then he donated 100.00 TRY and 79.72 GOLD to MustafaB (another Turk).

And what did Russia get from the Prosperous Party’s transactions? 100 RUB was donated to Vasilii. 100 RUB for 65 GOLD! A piece of advice to the Prosperity Party – do business with the RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, you’d get a much better exchange rate for your GOLD.

THE PROSPERITY PARTY? These are the people who say their mission is “Reform Russian economy for benefit of Russian People." I'm sorry -- I just don't see it. And I certainly wouldn't want to entrust these people with our national economy and resources.

You check these transactions out for yourself at this link:

I had contacted KogaN about working out a business arrangement with the government. The response that came back was basically -- "I'm not interested in working with the government. I just want economic and political power." It certainly doesn't seem that these people have the the good of Russia, her economy, nor her people at heart.

SO... what really is their mission? Frankly, I don't know, but I am confident that it is not what they claim it is!