Proposed Development for Thailand’s Military

Day 807, 11:12 Published in Thailand Thailand by Allan Dobrowolski

As our country grows, so will our need for a military. Recently, we’ve started a small military group known as the Mobile Infantry of Thailand. However, our military will need to expand along with our population, as so here is the proposed “tree” for Thailand’s military.

Phase 1: (Complete)
- Create the Mobile Infantry of Thailand

Phase 2:
- Rename our official military to the Royal Thai Armed Forces
- Mobile Infantry of Thailand becomes the Royal Thai Mobile Corps
- Create the Royal Thai Defence Corps
- Create the Royal Thai Air Force, branch of the Royal Thai Mobile Corps
- Create the Royal Thai Army, branch of the Royal Thai Defence Corps

Phase 3:
- Create the Royal Thai Navy, branch of the Royal Thai Mobile Corps
- Create the the Thahan Phran, branch of the Royal Thai Defence Corps

Phase 4:
- Create the Royal Thai Marine Corps, Thailand’s elite military group.

Obviously, it will take a long time to complete all four Phases, as there needs to be a significant increase in population, and committed soldiers. However, let it be known that it Is my goal in eRepublik to see all four phases successfully completed. I believe our country can do it, and I’m committed 100% to giving us a respectable military.

Allan Dobrowolski
2nd Lieutenant, Mobile Infantry of Thailand
Executive Officer, Roaring Raiders Company