Prophexy's Congress Election Campaign

Day 1,371, 18:44 Published in Belgium Switzerland by Prophexy

Greetings fellow eBelgian buddies!

I'm running for re-election for congress in Wallonia under the BCP flag, once again. I have been a citizen of eBelgium for a few months now, and I was formerly a Dutch citizen for a couple years. I have learned a lot these past few months from the eBelgian citizens and state, and I absolutely love being here.

I would greatly appreciate your vote for me, it would mean a lot to me. You will receive the following in exchange for your vote:

1: A Congressman you can trust!
2: A Congressman with total transparency (I will post the proposal, and what I voted in a weekly article)
3: I will ask YOUR input on major issues in congress, and get your opinion!
4: You will never have to worry about inactivity, corruption, or anything of that nature.

So please, these coming elections, vote for someone who you can trust and someone who will ask for YOUR opinion on things, and will vote according to the people's wishes!

Thank you for your time!

PS: This will be me if you don't vote for me :'(

eBelgian/BCP Congressman in Flanders
State Secretary of Defence