Promoting the Uni

Day 401, 18:12 Published in Norway USA by Inanis

Hello wise people of the north, I ask of you a small moment of your time.
Gladness struck me when I came to make my home here, the noorish people showed themselves to be open minded and willing & able to communicate not in their mother tongue but in the more accessible and commonly known english language. It was thus that I came to love this society and people. Before I admired the north already because of its turbulent history, but now it seems the people themselves are not much different from the good rational people I know in my own country itself in the netherlands.

As for who I am, I am ex-eswiss and creator of the uni. I lived in bulgaria for a bit with my friends after the great mountain-war, yet we were not welcome, so we left for Ireland.
Ireland just didn't give the home feeling, so seeing that norway was declining I made the choice to come. Also the fact that my good friend 'the fallen' who has been on my side almost since I started in erepublik was enthusiastic helped.

Now I will tell you a little bit what the uni is about.
We stand for greatness, loyalty, friendship, unity, togetherness and the greatest mission of all is that we amuse ourselves. because without enjoyment it all means little to nothing.
We do not seek a huge flock of members, we just seek people that like meeting and socializing with (a group of) different people and preferably stick together so we can be of good support to each other.
Also we want to take over the eworld by the use of extensive connections and influence.

We greatly favour and support the independence of occupied countries such as Israel and slovakia.

Next to that we have few aims or norms, it is the members of our group that decide the interior of the cause.

If you are interested in our group and or would like to join, feel free to leave a comment here or pm me. also if you have questions feel free to ask them.