Promises - Piecrust?

Day 424, 06:32 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Kretschmar

'Political promises are like piecrust - made to be broken'

Scuttlebut believes that Azoo and the ASA did not NEED their revolution - they had enough power to do what they did 'legally'. So a political mistake? Or are they REALLY like RL-Serbs?

So - we have no sanction against our President to hold him to his promise to 'leave eAustria in good condition' - we just have to hope & trust.

The motion of impeachment was not a good idea - it could not succeed, and will only deepen the divide between eAustrians and eSerbs (unless that was the intention)
One way Azoo could demonstrate his 'good faith' is by adopting the revised constitution that President Aanok was working on - that would help create that 'good condition'

So - what do we do now? It is true that eAustria has been a nursery for successive nationalistic coups - and there are more to come UNLESS eAustrians who are ONLY interested in the best interests of eAustria get involved in politics.

So - let us see some real competition in the Congress elections on Jan 25th - so that we have a working Congress on Feb 12th, not a political void that someone else can walk into.